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January 19, 2022
View: 567


Paper Backed Vinyl

Always read manufactures instructions first.

Most D.I.Y people have never hung the wide width vinyl wall coverings, as also a majority of decorators haven’t, and although the process is quite a lot different to hanging normal width domestic vinyl wall coverings, it’s really not that difficult to hang. As for the professional decorator, who has successful experience at hanging domestic width vinyl it should be a breeze for them.

Tools Decorator shires Straight edge Pencil Tape measure Spirit level Snap of Stanley blade Knife (the larger of the 2 options) 2 plastic spatulas 1x 2″ Paint brush 1x 9″roller with short pile long life sleeve 1x bucket and decorator sponge 1x Squeegee mop or sponge Straight edge Slip Knife

1. Work out where you are going to start from and where you are going to finish, allowing for the pattern, (if any) to be lost in the least noticeable corner.

2. When you have planned how you are going to do the job, from your starting point, measure where your first piece is going, and allowing for wastage around a corner, and for this allow about an inch.

3. Now mark where the vinyl will go, and with a spirit level draw a line from near the top to around half way down the wall.

4. That now is where your first drop will go. Now measure away from the line 2″ (5cm) less than the width of the vinyl to allow for the second drop to overlap the first drop by 2″ and repeat all the way around the room, marking off with the spirit level each time, and number each drop in order of hanging.

5. Now you have the room completely marked out and numbered for each drop and a spirit level line to work to for each drop.

6/Now put a dust sheet or a big sheet of hardboard on the floor and roll out the vinyl and cut to the required length including waste, reversing alternate lengths if recommended and number with a soft pencil on the back, at the top.

7. Now you have all the room marked out and numbered, and all your pieces of vinyl cut to length, numbered in sequence, and laying on your dust sheet or hardboard with the backing paper facing upward and number 1 on top.

8. Now with either a hand sponge or preferably a squeegee mop, wet the back of 2-3 pieces of wall covering and roll each one into a tube.

9. Now paste the wall on the section number 1, cutting in with a brush the paste to the ceiling, corner, above the skirting and roll about 6″ past the spirit level mark.

10. Now get the wall covering tube no 1 and unroll onto the wall up to the line using a plastic spatula to spread in a top to bottom motion (not sideways) and trim the vinyl with a Stanley knife, top bottom and corner.

11. After you have trimmed up, then sponge of with clean water any residue adhesive, and towel off the skirting board of any water to prevent water stains on the skirting

12. Now paste wall section no 2 and repeat. At this point you will have an overlapping joint that needs to be spliced together (see joint cutting). Carry on hanging the wall covering like this all the way around the room bearing in mind (joint cutting).

If you plan out the room and mark out, number, all the walls and pieces of vinyl, then hang the wall covering this way, you will find it easy and a quick process to hang a wide paper backed vinyl and achieve good quality results.

Joint Cutting

There is two ways to splice cut the wall covering,

1. A Slip knife or Joint cutting knife (as some retailers call it). This Knife hooks on to both layers of the wall covering and pulls them away from the substrate as it cuts, so that it does not score it. Cut the join with a stanley knife and straight edge from the ceiling to about 3″ down the wall and 1″ from the edge of the top wall covering then hook in the slip knife and cut the rest of the way down the wall till you get to 3″ above skirting and finish off with a Stanley knife and straight edge again. This is my preferred way and gives a great cut once you have mastered and become familiar with this knife.

2. slide a flexible piece of plastic about 1 meter long (available from the wall covering company) that you place under the join and then cut through both pieces of covering 1″ from the edge, all the way down with a Stanley knife and straight edge and sliding the plastic down as well to protect the substrate behind.

That is the way i would hang paper backed vinyl, as for the fabric and hessian backed vinyls you hang in exactly then same way apart from a couple of differences, just hang as described above but bearing these variations in mind.

Fabric backed Vinyl,

Hang exactly as paper backed vinyl above except, there is no need to dampen the back of the vinyl, just roll into tubes and stick onto the wet pasted wall.

Always read manufactures instructions first

Hessian backed Vinyl,

Hang exactly as paper backed vinyl above except, there is no need to dampen the back of the paper, just roll into tubes and stick onto the wet pasted wall, and when it comes to the joint cutting leave joints as long as possible to cut, wait for the under piece of vinyl of the join to start setting to the wall, and just as it does then pull it up and cut your join as described, and if needed paste a bit more addhesive under the join.

On site where the heating may not be good this can take most of the day, if the join is cut to early it can result in the joint shrinking when fully dried out.

ALWAYS read the manufactures instructions first

Hope these painting tips come in handy

steve at interior paint decorating


Source by Steve Field

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