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January 26, 2022
View: 476


Perhaps you may know that the Granny Chic style is considered the trend in home décor for 2021 and beyond. People are going back to using sticky wallpaper to decorate their homes like it used to be way back when. As the famous adage goes, “The more things change, the more they stay the same” and this applies when it comes to Home Décor Colors Trends of 2021. The global pandemic has forced people to stay put in their homes, and it is crucial to have colors that enlighten the mood and draw the mind away from the pervasive gloom.

Brown Is Not Gloomy

The term “Brown” was coined from an Old English definition meaning “dusky or dark” color. The color is related to low status and poverty. However, Brown is no longer a color to bring about negative thoughts.

Brown is a color that depicts strength, dependability, and mother earth. Your home will be enlightened when you use brown in your interior décor. You can combine brown with other colors such as red, yellow, or gold. It is a splendid color to accent your furniture.

Using Beige Can be an Inspiration.

Beige is considered to be a sublime color and may pale when compared to other bold colors. However, there is a reason for that;The term beige comes from a definition meaning “wool without a dye” or manipulation. It is a sandy sublime color that brings about a relaxed or neutral mood. It is best paired with other sublime colors such as gray or green.

Getting the Proper Tan

“Tannin” is a Germanic word from which the term “Tan” was derived. The less than humorous colloquialism “Tan your hide” is also derived from it. Oddly enough, tan does not bring about dark and humorless moods but evokes feelings of security and warmth. It is best paired with colors such as white, blue, light purple, and coral.

You Can’t go Wrong with the Fluid Aqua

Aqua is the Latin word depicting water. It is a flowing soft choice for any home decorating purpose. If your home has a tumultuous mood or environment, you can tone it down by bringing in the calm and dreamy nature of an aqua color tone. You would do well to pair aqua with colors such as yellow and orange to imbue a vibrant mood to the somber aqua.

Mustard is Derived from the Color Yellow

When you come across the term “mustard” you immediately think of the seeds or the condiment used in your favorite burger or hotdog. The color is derived from yellow and comes along with all the vibrancy of yellow. However, traditional yellow is bright like the sun, while mustard is muted and may sometimes seem like an eyesore.

Consequently, mustard yellow is a color that you should have in your home. It imbues a positive and creative atmosphere in the home. Mustard yellow goes well in any room and can be used as an accent color for your walls. Most home designers use it well with stormy blue, gold, or light gray, as can be seen on Pinterest.

Do not Forget the Blue colors

Once in a blue moon

Blue blood.

Sad and blue.

Blue colors are commonly used in common speech to depict a wide range of feelings. Where was the color blue derived from and how does it factor into home décor trends for 2021?

Blue Azurite was first found in Egypt and was popular for its intensely bright tone. Blue is also a color that has been associated with law, royalty, military, and wisdom throughout history. Blue can be used to depict the mysterious, unfathomable, stormy nature of the seas, and sometimes the character of a stoic, cold person.

However, blue can also bring about an aura of harmony and calm, just like the aqua color does. According to research, blue can reduce your heart rate – think about the feelings of protection you get when you see a blue police uniform.

When you want a calm and protective aura in your home, you should try out some blue colors. Blue can also bring about the illusion of space, making your room seem larger than it actually is – try it in small rooms such as the bathroom or the baby nursery. Blue goes well with mustard yellow, moss green, mint green, and white.

Let’s get Peachy

“Peche” is a Middle English term from which peach is derived. The name comes from the tone of light fleshy fruits such as peaches. The color imbues a soft, feminine, protective, and joyful nature to the home.

Peach can be used to bring a lot more than just a sweet and feminine touch to a home. It can enlighten and bring joy to an otherwise dark room. It does well with colors such as green, yellow, and apricot. You can make it more vigorous by adding a splash of blue.

Green Enigma

When it comes to home décor, green is a color that people generally shy away from. The common opinion is that green is not a great color for home, perhaps because it reminds people of the pale green skin tone of a sickly person or the yucky green pea soup. So why would you want green as part of your home décor?

Green is an intriguing color, which symbolizes nature, wealth, or even envy.

Pesto green can be considered to be an inviting color.

You get green when you mix yellow and blue and therefore it can instill feelings of vivacity, rebirth, and evolution. Breathe life into your home by adding some green to it. At a time like this, when people are locked up in their homes, adding green serves as a mood enhancer. Green goes well with colors like brown, gray, and black. You can also use it with almond, pale taupe, or red tints.

Light Gray not Necessarily Eerie
Raging seas, stormy days, and cloudy skies all seem gray and eerie.

Gray is a color that sits between the extreme colors of black and white. It can be easily overlooked due to its neutrality; this, however, does not mean that it does not have value when it comes to home décor. When brought together with complementary colors, light gray can brighten the mood in any home. It can imbue a wise, professional, and balanced atmosphere to a home.

White, midnight, and seafoam complement well with gray. If you have a room that is primarily gray in color, add in a splash of seafoam accents of furniture to liven it up. Gray is a versatile color and is popular as a home décor color today.

In summary, colors that may have previously been deemed as drab, ancient, or somewhat revolting are slowly making their way back into homes. This brief list of Home Décor Color Trends of 2021 will give you an insight into the colors, their meaning, and the moods they convey.


Source by Bre Hartel

January 25, 2022
View: 515


If you are looking to get the most bang for your buck by investing in a home improvement project, here are 20 design and feature trends to avoid.

1) Inconsistent Architecture

Having your home contain a hodgepodge of architectural styles can be off-putting to a potential homebuyer. For a ranch-style home, featuring columns on the front porch can be just as jarring as a log-cabin-styled home with art deco accents. Each architectural style has its own inherent beauty, so be sure to emphasize these factors. If you don’t, it can be like eating Pickles on ice cream!

2) Oversized kitchens

Hold the rise of celebrity chefs responsible for this one. Kitchens with every appliance imaginable and too much space can be off-putting to perspective home buyers who do not engage in serious entertaining. Unless you are hosting lavish get-togethers with a team of cooks, it may be time to divide the kitchen into segments, like a cozy breakfast nook and a sit down family table.

3) Faux “Old World” Design

By decorating or emphasizing a European style left (for example, the right region of Tuscany has a distinctive and popular style), we may hope to capture the elegance of this area, but bear in mind that unless you are sourcing the materials (and a vineyard to boot), there will always be something inauthentic about channeling Europe in another region of the world.

4) White appliances

If your appliances are white, it’s time to upgrade. White may have been at one time a color of choice to emphasize a spotless home (everything shows up on white!), but that is precisely the problem. Home buyers will subconsciously feel the toil associated with wiping every surface down, or see lingering stains that will never come out. In addition, plastic materials fade overtime, turning into a non-uniform yellow. Instead, choose black appliances, stainless steel, or the latest in “black stainless.”

5) Wallpaper

Wallpaper makes a bold statement in a home. However, that same boldness may put off buyers, especially if the wallpaper is cheap old or common. Any addition, removing wallpaper is a labor intensive process that can also put off potential home buyers, especially considering that the removal of old older wallpaper may damage the walls and create more headaches. Moreover wallpaper can be a source of undetected mold growth. Stick with paint instead.

6) Carpeted Bathrooms

There may have been a time when stepping across the master bedroom and onto an icy-cold tiled floor made a carpeted bathroom seemed like a brilliant idea, but that time is over. That’s what bathmats are for. Carpets and water in the same place is simply asking for mold growth or damage. Some modern homes have heated flooring’s, which is a huge selling point to potential home buyers and far preferable to the hygiene nightmare of a carpeted bathroom.

7) Gaudy Gold Fixtures and Hardware

Metallic finishes can give your home warmth and sophistication, but if you have shiny gold fixtures and hardware consider removing them. Gold carries a needlessly flashy and gaudy look that may appeal to nouveau riche buyers, but most home buyers find it as outdated as the ’80s. Instead, opt to replace these fixtures with warmer metals, such as polished brass or brushed nickel.

8) Tiled Countertops

Your kitchen and bathroom countertops play a huge part in the eye of a potential home buyer. If their tiled, consider removing them. At one time, this trend seemed modern, but the nitty-gritty involved with maintaining tiled countertops can be off-putting. Think about it – what do you do if a tile chips and it needs to be replaced? Are you prepared to clean the porous grout regularly to prevent mold and bacteria growth? It just makes the already-unwelcome chore of cleaning the kitchen that much worse.

9) Cheap Wood Paneling

Wood-paneled homes are beautiful. If you have stunning wooden wainscoting throughout your home, leave it alone. However, if the walls of your house contain cheap wood paneling meant for a church basement bingo game, remove it immediately. Lower quality wood paneling instantly dates your home and screams “cheap” to those looking. Worse, it may imply that the paneling was put up to cover up larger problems, like a lack of insulation or unfinished walls.

10) Taxidermy

Animal heads on display will not appeal to every home buyer, so it’s best to remove that moose head when selling. That said, it may not be a hindrance to a sale in certain regions of the US, where hunting is popular. On the same note, similar items like a bull’s skull strategically placed over a mantlepiece or in a garden, will only be appealing to certain types of home bars. Remember that your goal is to make your home an open template so a perspective homebuyer can envision living in the house.

11) Linoleum Flooring

No one likes walking across sticky linoleum barefoot. Simply put, get rid of linoleum flooring. At one time, it was a popular option, especially in the case of patterned linoleum that could mimic wood or tile flooring. Nowadays, linoleum is almost synonymous with inexpensive apartments and a careless sense of decorating. Instead, opt for flooring materials like hardwood that are not only comfortable, but also visually appealing.

12) Popcorn Ceilings

If a home contains a popcorn ceiling (also known as a “textured” or “stucco” ceiling), it instantly communicates to a homebuyer that it is not been modernized. Popcorn ceilings were popular from the 1950s all the way to the 1980s as an inexpensive, ubiquitous alternative to cover up imperfections and unadorned drywall. To modern eyes, it looks more like a dreary Motel 6 than a warm home.

Removal of popcorn ceilings, like wallpaper, is a labor-intensive affair. So be sure to get it done before your open house. In addition, be sure to look for asbestos, which can make or break a closing if detected by a home buyer or inspector.

13) Glass Mosaic Backsplash

One of the most common trends from the mid-2000s is a glass mosaic back black splash for your kitchen or bathroom. While it may have looked good then because of its relative scarcity, today it is nearly everywhere. Consider replacing it with marble tiling or plain white subway tile to obscure your home’s last appointment with an interior designer.

14) Bold Paint

The first thing that a home buyer sees when viewing a house for the first time is the color – first the exterior and then the individual rooms. Essentially, this first impression of colors sets the stage for the home’s other features, including furnishings, decorations comma and architecture.

If a bold color is applied to the exterior, like a light-pink, potential buyers that like to blend-in may be put off. If a room is too dark, such as dark red; or too bright, such as a chromatic yellow, the features of the home may be muted or unnecessarily hidden as they compete for visual attention. Neutralizing your home is the best option (see “Neutral Colors” below), as buyers can project their own color palette to their tastes without being influenced by your preferences.

15) Converted Spaces

It is a modern notion to have our spaces fit our personalities, lifestyles, quirks, and interests. That works just fine when you’re living there, but you may want to reconsider the current usage of each space that you have re-purposed when it comes time to sell. Having a garage converted for another purpose besides storage and parking vehicle may be fine

for your needs, but home buyers may just want a garage for what it was originally intended. If you’ve converted your garage into a place to run your small business, exercise room, or music practice room, be sure to bring it back to its normal garage-only state to appeal to the largest number of home buyers.

This is especially true for cities that have limited parking. Similarly, a bedroom converted into a small office or storage space can be off putting. This happens because it puts the intended purpose of the room into the mind of a home buyer and that is not your goal when selling your home.

16) Carpeting

Most home buyers prefer hardwood floors when purchasing a home, even if you have recently taken the trouble of installing new carpet. People may assume that the germs, pet dander, and dirt of the previous residents are still present within the carpet. Furthermore, the carpet color choice for the room may clash with their sensibilities or decorating ideas, leading to another item on their mental to do list when the time comes to customize the home.

Hardwood flooring is a happy medium of natural hues and the ability to customize. Should the home buyer want carpet, then all they have to do is install it on top of the wooden surface.

17) Too Much Landscape

There’s been a trend in recent years of introducing the “outdoor living room” to holisticly connect nature with the home. Trimmed bushes in ornate shapes, carpet-like moss walkways, elaborate gardens, and ponds are all visually appealing, but there’s a catch. A property requiring constant maintenance may make potential home buyers hesitate especially if their future finances are uncertain.

This also includes the recent trend of urban farming. While you may enjoy fresh eggs, honey, and chevre daily, others may be put off by the daily upkeep that animals require and the implications about your homes cleanliness, so it’s best to leave no signs that your home was once part of a farm.

18) Hot Tubs and Pools

There may have been a time when a pool was considered a selling point for new homeowners, but many home buyers realize how much of a maintenance issue and eyesore it can be. This is especially true for above ground pools, which tend to take up a large amount of space, create a safety and liability hazard for children and guests, and leave an ugly spot of dead grass when removed.

This is true for hot tubs, too. Hot tubs are notorious as a breeding ground for bacteria, can be difficult to maintain, and removal from a deck or backyard may lead to even more expense down the line (e.g. rebuilding a portion of your deck where the hot tub once was).

19) Whirlpool Bathtubs

Whirlpool bathtubs may once have been considered an item of luxury and a major selling point, but tastes have changed in recent years. Those who have owned or used them may have enjoyed the luxury, but realized how much water they use (between 80-100 gallons) and how much space is taken up that could be used for other bathroom features such as a bigger shower space or a dual-vanity counter.

20) Minimalist Design

Outfitting your home like an urban loft space has long been a trend in interior home design, but this may not be your best option for selling your home. Minimalist design in this style can make homes seem unnaturally empty, without emphasizing the natural personality of the home that’s attractive to home buyers. Instead you should aim to add accents without creating a barren look. Subconsciously, an overly minimalist design communicates to buyers that the home shouldn’t house furnishings and decorations, something that may be at odds with the buyers intentions.

These home improvement tips are written as a guide in selecting new designs and features that will give you the best options of for selling your home for the highest price!

For more information on home improvements and real estate needs, please visit


Source by Trish Pappano

January 24, 2022
View: 528


Selling your house can be a tiresome process. People traipsing through the house at inconvenient times. Always having to keep the house clean. General disruption to your families schedule. Most anyone who has ever tried to sell a house will agree that the quicker you can get it sold the better!

One important aspect of making your home attractive to buyers is to make is so that the buyer can picture himself living in the home. This home staging I soften done by professionals that your real estate agent will help you hire. Staging a home can bring you a much higher selling price. A home staging professional can be hired to tour your home and direct you to make the changes that will increase your homes marketability. If you do hire a stager, always make sure the stager you hire is accredited.

Now, you may be thinking that you just redecorated so your house must be perfect, but staging a home is not redecorating it. Redecorating a home focuses on the seller and their personality. Staging focuses on the buyer. It provides the current home owner with the knowledge to rearrange the furnishings, pictures, accessories, etc. in the best possible manner to enhance the rooms function, appearance and balance.

Sellers are attached to their homes and may not realize how their treasured mementos might look like clutter to someone outside the family. Many times, sellers don’t want to pack away their family things foer viewings, and this can really affect the sale of your house. Real Estate agents will often hire a stager as part of the selling package because they may be uncomfortable disclosing to the seller that their home needs work and avoid upsetting them.

A staging professional works things from the buyers perspective in order to help the buyer see themselves and their belongings fit into the home they are viewing. They do this by rearranging the home to appeal to a broad base of purchasers. Stagers can be expensive, so if you want to go it alone please follow the tips below.

The first thing you must do is unclutter your house. You will have to try to look at your house with new eyes – many times we are so used to the clutter that we block it out! Go through each room and remove any clutter you see. Organize toys in decorative boxes that are hidden away in a storage room (perhaps a room for storage in the basement). You can always take them out again when you don’t have any booked showings. Bookcases should be neat and attractive interspersed with a few ornaments. Closets should be cleaned out so that only clothes are visible. Remove storage at top and bottom of closets. Place clothes out of season in storage.In fact, place any clutter you have found in storage as well. You have to move anyway and you will have to pack less later when you do move!

Lighting is important so make sure the rooms are well lit, provide some nice ambient lighting with lamps and avoid bright glaring fluorescent overhead lights. The foyer provides the buyer with the first impression. It should be clean, uncluttered, bright and inviting. If any rooms are dull brighten them up with higher wattage bulbs in lamps.

You want the buyer to picture themselves living in the home so you should remove all your personal photos and replace them with prints or other decorations. You want the buyer to focus on your home, not your personal life. This can be distracting.

A fresh coat of paint is mandatory. Paint your home in a neutral color but don’t make it too dull. Tans, sages, and beige are good colors. You can add some interest with colored accessories, pillows, throw rugs, candles, etc.

Bathrooms should be sparkling! Counters should be clear with no personal items visible. Tub tile grout should be clean and shower curtains and glass shower doors should be free of mildew. Hang fluffy, colorful towels on the towel rods. Put out decorative soaps in cute containers. Buy a new shower curtain and rug for the floor.

The kitchen is a key selling point in your home and must be spotless. Remove all notes, magnets, the front of the fridge. Keep counter space clean and clear of all items. Clean out under the sinks and organize the pantry and cupboards. Paint outdated cupboards with a neutral color and put new modern knobs on doors for a fresh look. Dishes on the floor for pet food should be eliminated during a showing.

Make your furniture look cozy, but don’t put too much in one room. Leave space between pieces and remove nick knacks. Your most attractive piece of furniture should be placed on the wall you see when you enter a room if possible. Put all your CD’s and videos away out of sight. Hang pictures at eye level or in geometric shaped groupings. Group accessories in odd numbers (one, three or five).Fireplace mantles should be depersonalized by removing pictures. A flower arrangement, mantle clock or piece of art would be appropriate here.

Curb appeal is important and the buyers first impression of your house will be from the outside. Garages and front and back yards should be cleaned and well trimmed. Put away any toys that are laying around in the yard. Plant flowers or shrubs in the yard for a welcoming effect. Prune any shrubs you may already have. Clean the pool if you have one. The lawn should be cut and watered to give the home a well cared for look. A coat of paint on the outside of the house may also be in order.

When someone is coming over for a showing make sure the house is spotless. Turn on the table lamps for ambient lighting. Play some soft music for ambiance. Spray a little bit of air freshener before hand to give the house a nice smell – not too much or it might look like you are covering up an odor! Try putting some vases of fresh flowers on the tables for added appeal.

Not everyone can afford a stager, but it is well worth the money and could pay for itself and then some with a higher sale price!


Source by Lee Dobbins

January 22, 2022
View: 565


Decorating your home with earthen ware like ceramics, terracotta, conch, blue pottery, is like calling nature to your home interiors. With different shapes, colours and sizes earthen ware not only add a class to but also add colour to your home interiors as well exteriors. With these ideas you can boast of a home that will become your pride and your neighbour’s envy.

Flower vases

Flower vases in earthen ware in different shapes, sizes, and colours are classic items and make for a good decorating material. You can buy them from Home Store, Lifestyle or any other shop selling home décor stuff. Or if you are little budget minded then go for roadside vendors selling diyas and other earthen materials. They have vases of some interesting shapes and sizes. The only thing is that you will have to do the decorating part yourself. But then that is where you can let your creativity flow and decorate those vases in your favourite colours or matching your home furniture. You can buy vases in earthen material in three different sizes and contrasting colours and can put either fresh flowers (if easily available) or can put long dried flowers and keep them either at the entrance or in your drawing room to add beauty to your interiors. You can also keep vases with some interesting flower arrangement in your bedroom to add colour to your sleeping area as well.

Candle stands and Candelabras

Ditch the brass and other metals this season and go for designs in earthen ware. Candle stands and candelabras in made of mud, intricately carved as if an antique piece is a delight to eyes and add a touch of class to your interiors. The earthen candelabras are as much a delight as the metal ones. And if you don’t want to go for completely earthen candelabra then you can opt for candelabras and candle stands in metal with earthen finish for that real look. Available in different shapes and sizes they do add glamour and class to your interiors. And with decorative, fragrant candles of soy candles you can further enhance the interiors of your home.

Wall hangings

Yes, wall hangings made of Lac, conch, even earthen ware add colour and beauty to your interiors. These days curtains made of conch are also available which not only add beauty to your interiors but also helps in separating the dining area from the drawing room. Wall hangings from Rajasthan in mud painted in vibrant colours are also good buy to enhance the beauty of your interiors.

Photo frames

Photo frames are the best way to not only display your precious memories but if chosen correctly can enhance your interiors as well. Frames in earthen ware painted in vibrant colours are available in different shapes and sizes add to the beauty of the interiors. You can go for hanging frames or the ones with a stand. Frames made of earthen material with dried flowers and leaves used to decorate the borders not only bring colours to your interiors but also gives a feeling of being close to the nature.

Blue pottery

The famous blue pottery of Rajasthan is your best bet if you have decided to decorate your home with earthen ware. Not only is it beautiful vibrant blue colour but is painted with intricate paintings or royal Rajasthan that they are an absolute delight and definitely a must for your home. You can either go for vases, bowls, or matkas, or surahis in various shapes and sizes with intricate Mughal paintings to decorate your home interiors. Since Rajasthan is famous for its mirror work as well the potteries are available in decorative mirror works as well. The makers can also make custom blue pottery which can include candle stands and various other items.

Terracotta items

Terracotta items offer a wide range to enhance your home décor. You can use them either in their original form or if you are feeling overly creative you can paint them in vibrant colours to not only enhance their beauty but also to enhance the interiors of your home. Terracotta items can also be used to enhance your home exteriors as well. Various products like decorative ash tray (round shape and tortoise), vases, pots, wall hangings, lamp shades with human heads, leaf, bowls, and bottle with rings add to the rustic look of your interiors. Enhance the beauty of these rustic materials with either fresh flowers or artificial flowers in bright colours of red, blue, and lemon yellow.

Ceramic items

Hand painted ceramics are always a delight to own. Whether you use them for home décor or use them in your everyday living they always add colour to your home. Ceramic bowls, dishes, and pots painted in vibrant colours of blue, red and green can enlighten any dull corner of your home and make it come alive. Hand painted vases in oval shapes, or set of two glasses in vibrant floral or fish paintings can enhance a small corner of your home and add a touch of class to your interiors. You can also for other knickknacks in ceramics like photo frames, ash trays among other things to enhance your home interiors.

Tile murals

Tile murals are another way of introducing earthen decorative ideas to your home interiors. If you want to make a statement then you can go for a decorative ceramic wall tile mural. And you can show your individual taste and style with decorative wall tile murals and accent pieces. Bit on the expensive side they do add a certain touch of class to your interiors. Advantage of using tile mural as a decorative item is that you can decorate your kitchen as well as bathroom. Make a statement in your bedroom with a romantic tile mural or in your children’s room with a mural designed for children. You can decorate your coffee table with these tile murals thus including your furniture as well in the decorating ideas. If you have a plain mirror you were about to throw then don’t. As you can enhance the beauty of that mirror by using these tile murals as a border and keep it either in your lobby or near the entrance.

Other knickknacks

If you keep your eyes open while shopping you will be surprised there are so many things made of mud, which will enhance your home interiors and make your home look a living heaven. Small decorative items like a miniature kettle and tea cups, set of small decorative stones in vibrant colours and different shapes and sizes kept at the corner of your entrance will only add beauty to the beauty of your interiors. Napkin holders, rings can also add beauty to your interiors.

Dos and Don’ts

Although earthen ware does add a beauty to your interiors and can take your décor to a next level, the important thing to remember here is not to overdo the decorating part. Either mix and match the materials at one corner or do not do it all. For instance, a blue pottery placed with another blue pottery item would be a pleasing to eyes but placed with ceramic items would be jarring and not create a desired effect of pleasantness. Another thing to remember is that whatever item you choose whether terracotta or ceramics or blue pottery make sure that the overall effect is pleasing to eyes. For instance terracotta items go well with wrought iron and jute furniture while ceramics can go with any modern and rustic furniture. For blue pottery there should be some blue colour in your furnishings. And for tile murals you should go for an expert opinion before you decide to go for them in your home interiors.

So get started with these decorating ideas and create a new look for your home interiors.


Source by Swati Nitin Gupta

January 17, 2022
View: 674


Are you scared of color because you are scared of committing? Color is an effective way to bring personality, and create a focal point in your home’s spaces. Unexpected utilization of colors speaks volumes about your personal style as well as sets your home apart.

Decorating your space, in terms of color, shouldn’t be challenging. Actually, it’s as effortless as 60-30-10. If you look at some of the example rooms in a designer’s portfolio, or in magazines, you’ll confirm this to be true – most rooms are invariably divided in percentages of 60-30-10. So why is this the case? It’s because of the human tendency to view an overall theme in 60% hue, unifying the coloration, followed by 30% that entails visual interest while the remaining 10% adds some little spark.

When handling your home décor, you should divide them into these percentages:

  • 10% of an accent color
  • 30% of secondary color
  • 60% of a dominant color

The following are some of the creative ways to add colors to your home décor:

1. Use Color to Get Emotional

Everyone associates colors with something they represent. For instance, red can represent warmth, yellow; the sun, blue; the sea and air, and green often represents trees. Generally, all these are considered to be emotional responses to color, compared to intellectual responses. Therefore, you can utilize the emotional associations to bring out their greatest effects within a space. You can do so by deciding on the emotional impact you desire in a room. Do you want it to be lively? If yes, then yellows and reds are the ideal choices. Do you desire subdued? If yes, then browns and blues are the best.

It’s really important to note is that the color you settle for ought to reflect the activities performed in its space. For instance, if it’s for rest, such as a family room or a bedroom, you need to settle for darker values of color which relate to restfulness such as browns, blues and greens.

2. Consider Contrast

High contrast spaces appear clearer as well as more defined compared to a space that includes low contrasts. A high contrast space is one that utilizes dark and light values of color in combination with light gold. Low contrast rooms, on the other hand, utilize sage green with saffron yellow. The golden rule is to use high contrast to improve your room’s formality and high contrast colors to introduce soothing qualities.

When paired, white and black are formal in appearance. They’re not like a tuxedo. Combining black and white is less of a color value and more of subtracting or adding light. However, white with beige boasts a low contrast coupled with a feeling of calmness. By combining black and white with gray, you’ll enjoy a low key atmosphere and it also helps to create a restful space.

3. Flow with Color

For you to create a color flow from a single room to another, all you need to do is select a color you use in one room and then restate it differently in an adjoining space. For instance, is your sofa green? You can utilize the same green for seat fabrics in your dining room. Utilize the color in smaller and larger degrees as you move around the home. The same green for the living room sofa, earlier mentioned, also applies to lampshades in your family room. You can also choose to place mats inside the kitchen.

4. Consider Adding Color to Your Furniture Pieces

Bold color choices are not restricted to walls. Therefore, why not jazz up your old furniture piece(s) that you might have fallen out of love with? For instance, you can paint your walls yellow, and then accent your furniture with pops of aqua. Regardless of your locale’s color, it’s possible to select colors that reflect the region you live in. The other painless way to select colors is by opting for seasonal color variations. Fall colors such as browns, russets, and mustard yellows will create a subdued and calm space that’s ideal for resting. On the other hand, spring colors tend to be more uplifting. Saffron yellow, lilac and pinks impart a fresh and naïve look to your room.

5. Consider Adding Some Mother Nature

Green plants, as well as flowering ones, usually add personality, fragrance, color, and great feelings to a living room. For those that lack a green thumb, they should ask a home center, or nursery, for recommendations of plants that need no or little care. If you are far from your home for long, you should settle for the incredible ones available in the market now. Look for great looking flowers, foliage and plants that only require dusting.

6. Have a Color Scheme

Choosing the right color scheme for your room can be challenging. Fortunately, there’s a way to simplify the process. You can do so by utilizing a color wheel, and then narrowing down your selection to two color schemes. Of course, there are more. However, the following are not only effective, but are also excellent places to start:

  • Analogous color scheme – Rooms that utilize this color scheme are more muted, restful and casual when it comes to coloration.
  • Complementary color scheme – Rooms that employ this color scheme offer a clear separation of colors.

7. Think about Seasonal and Local Colors

By studying past color schemes you’ll surely be able to create a room’s color by incorporating the already accepted color schemes.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to decorating a home, not everyone has the time and money to conduct a complete makeover. Fortunately, there are plenty of creative ways to pimp your home décor using colors. Employ the above strategies and you’ll certainly be able to transform the look and feel of your home. There’s no doubt about that.


Source by Bob Tom

January 17, 2022
View: 489


People often put a lot of effort in decorating the house because you want to live in a beautiful and comfortable house. If you start to get bored of the decoration, you can always make it fresh and exciting by making little changes. It is essential that you feel happy and refreshed in your house. The decorations do not always have to be expensive because several affordable decoration ideas can make your place look beautiful.

Here are some useful décor ideas that will make your house look gorgeous.

Adding corner shelves:

If you have bare walls in the house and you are finding it annoying, then you can decorate the wall and add smart storage space by adding corner shelves. These are an excellent way of getting the storage space that you need. The corner is mostly considered dead spaces and often end up empty. By adding corner shelves, you will not just cover these dead spaces but get a good storage space. You can put your books and other decorations on these shelves.

Decorating the front:

The front or entry is critical because it is responsible for creating the first image of the house. The front is the representation of your style, so it is important that you pay particular attention to it. Do not clutter the foyer space and try to maximize it. You can add little decorations such as baskets where you can put mail or house keys. You can also get a foyer sized table and put some beautiful flowers on it. The mirror is always an excellent addition to the foyer area.

Updating the furniture:

The best way of making the house look fresh is to upgrade the furniture with each season. You do not always have to spend a lot of money and buy new furniture to refresh the look. The affordable and best way of changing furniture for different seasons is used covers. They are available in an extensive variety of colors, materials, styles and designs. You can experiment with different colors and options before finding the best one and most suitable one.

Changing the layout of furniture:

It is possible for you to become bored with the layout of the room then you can change it. Moving around the furniture can have a significant effect on the outlook of the place, and it does not cost anything. You need to find a focal point and change the decorations accordingly. You should also try to get rid of some items so that the place does not look cluttered. It will provide you more open space and will look tidy.

Painting the walls:

One of the most affordable ways of refreshing the look of the house is painting it fresh. You can always add an accent wall with bold colors to make the place look exciting and beautiful. You should choose a color that compliments the color of furniture and other accessories. If you are not sure about the color, then you can always ask for a professional’s opinion so that you can choose the color that works for your interior and exterior.

Highlighting décor with accent lighting:

Lighting is an essential and important part of the interior. Lighting is a necessary element for setting the tone of the place. You can add accent lighting to highlight the decorations that you have chosen for the room. You can make the hallways and foyers look exciting with the right lighting.

Creating texture with layering:

Layering is an excellent way of adding texture to the place. You should always try to create layers especially when it comes to the bedrooms. There are different sized sheets like king size fitted sheets etc. and make sure you choose the one suitable for the bed size and create neat and tidy layers by adding other bedding items like duvets, pillows, throw pillows, throw blankets, etc. You can create lecture in the living room by using a variety of pillows.

Personalizing the place:

You can improve the look of the place and make it look comfortable by personalizing the place. You can hang art pieces that represent your personality. The best way of personalizing is adding family pictures to the walls and over the fireplace.

These are some of the decoration ideas that will make your house look gorgeous and cozy.


Source by Emma Miah

January 17, 2022
View: 808


Can you imagine a life without the existence of clocks? Probably not, as every single activity in a human’s life is counting on the direction of time. Not only as a keeper of time, but wall clocks might also be an affordable way to increase the architectural esthetic of your home decor.

From antique wall clock to modern timepieces, various designs with stylish frames, unique layouts, sizes, and colours are available that will attract your eyes. Here are a few stunning designs of wall clock online that will glam up the walls of the rooms.

Wall Clocks with Wooden Accent Emanate a Timeless Impression

Nothing comes in comparison to the wooden design crafts that bring an unparalleled charm and warmth to the house. With other home decorative items, an oversized and classic wooden clock can be a striking centrepiece in your house.

The first impression is always the ultimate. Decorating your drawing room with modern hanging wall watches crafted with a wooden framework adds a timeless impression and spices up your boring wall. Choose the illustrative wall watches design and enhance the living room decor to reflect your personality.

Wall Watches Framing with Family Pictures

Let’s try something out of the box. You can decorate a wall with wallpapers, stylish wall clock online that match with the family photo frames. You can create it expressively by collaborating your family pictures chronologically; depicting the stages of family growth and role structure can be a magnificent idea.

If you are always ready to explore something new and experimental, this can be fun. Buy wall clock online that goes well with the interiors of the room to make it more meaningful and give a dynamic touch to your walls.

Incorporating Ethnic Designs with modern Wall Watches

Treat your wall clocks as an architectural piece and incorporate your modern timepieces with ethnic home decor. If your house is full of ethnic hand-embroidered decorative items such as cushions, lampshades, and wall arts, pairing it with modern wall watches can be an innovative idea to make your living space attractive.

If you need a unique look for your home decor, definitely rustic metal wall clocks with open gear and mechanical details can be an extraordinary piece of art. You can shop these clocks online in India at an affordable range that gives a perfect ethnic touch to your living room decoration.

Illustrate A Vintage Look with Antique Clock

Styling your contemporary living room with a round shape antique wall clock decorated with large sized Roman numerals gives a vintage touch. The best is not to cover every portion of the wall, large wall watches will complete the allover look of your living space.

In case you want to keep it subtle and simple, place antique or big size vintage wall watches in your living room and add some modern furniture to complete the rest of the decor. Square or round, large or small, you can get varieties of antique wall clock online.

A Wall Dedicated to Just Clocks

You can dedicate a wall to clocks by creating a clock with various types, designs, and shapes of watches in one place. A textured or laminated wall decorated with a modern wall watches design can amplify the attractiveness of the wall.

Choosing a timepiece has become easier for online watches designs available on the web. A wall showing different designs of wall clock gives a chic look that is perfect for a contemporary living room.


Source by Suman S

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